
Metallica zahraje v Číně...poprvé!

05.06.2013 13:45

Po necelých 31 letech existence, Metallica poprvé vystoupí v Číně, konkrétně v městě Shanghai v Mercedes-Benz Aréně, 13. Srpna 2013. Lístky jdou do prodeje 7. června, takže pokud jste ještě nebyli v Číně, máte příležitost se tam podívat.

Premiéra filmu Through The Never v září!

23.05.2013 14:33

3D film "Through The Never", který v tomto čase Metallica dokončuje, bude mít premiéru v kinech IMAX 27.9.2013 a v ostatních 4.10.2013. Snímek by měl být o technikovi (technicích) skupiny, který pracuje v zákulisí při show. Celý film je zasazen do koncertu natočeném ve Vancouveru a Edmontonu.

Metallica právě dohrála svůj první koncert tohoto roku...

23.02.2013 13:41

Metallica před pár minutami dohrála svůj letos první koncert a to na jedné z 5ti zastávek v Austrálii na Soundwave Festival. Zítra touto dobou vystoupí v Sydney.

Dnešní setlist:

1.Hit The Lights
2.Master Of Puppets
3.The Shortest Straw
4.Harvester Of Sorrow
5.Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
8.Sad But True
9.Fade To Black
10....And Justice For All
12.For Whom The Bell Tolls
14.Nothing Else Matters
15.Enter Sandman
16.Creeping Death
18.Seek And Destroy


Více v sekci "Tour"...

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Obsáhlejší informace

Re-Machined - Tribute To Deep Purple - Machine Head

25.07.2012 13:49

Již v Dubnu jsem zde psal, že Metallica chystá cover verze Deep Purple. Po 2 měsících se konečně objevilo další info a to dokonce i celý tracklist. Jedná se o cover celého alba Machine Head od Deep Purple, na kterém se podílí několik kapel a umělců - například: Metallica, Iron Maiden, Black Label Socienty, Kings of Chaos, Steve Vai, Glenn Hughes, Chad Smith a dalších. Metallica do alba přispěla skladbou "When A Blind Man Cries", která se na albu nachází jako devátá. Album bylo pojmenováno Re-Machined.



1. Smoke On The Water – Carlos Santana / Jacoby Shaddix

2. Highway Star – Chickenfoot

3. Maybe I’m A Leo – Glenn Hughes/Chad Smith

4. Pictures of Home – Black Label Society

5. Never Before – Kings of Chaos

6. Smoke On The Water – The Flaming Lips

7. Lazy – Jimmy Barnes with Joe Bonamassa

8. Space Truckin’ – Iron Maiden

9. When A Blind Man Cries – Metallica

10. Highway Star – Steve Vai, Glenn Hughes, Chad Smith, Lauchlan Doley


Album vyjde 4. Září v "Classic Rock Magazine".

Rekapitulace roku 2011...

31.12.2011 15:02

Rok 2011 utekl rychlostí blesku a tak jsem si připravil rekapitulaci tohoto sice na koncerty né moc bohatého, ale ohledně setlistů velmi zajímavého roku.

Metallica zahájila rok koncertem Big Four v kalifornském Indiu. Tento koncert nebyl setlistem nijak zajímavý, snad kromě písně "Am I Evil?", kterou společně s Metallikou zahrály skupiny Slayer, Megadeth a Anthrax. Poté se na stránce objevila informace o nahrávání nového alba s Lou Reedem, které bylo mnoha fanoušky již předem odsouzeno. Zanedlouho na to byl doplněn kompletní seznam koncertů Metalliky v Evropě, kde bylo dost příležitostí jet na ni i z Česka a Slovenska. Například německý Gelsenkichen, švédský Gothenburg, který byl mimo jiné i zaznamenáván švédskou televizí, italské Milano, britský Sonisphere festival v Stevenage,anebo francouzské Amneville. Na všechny tyto koncerty nasadila Metallica speciální setlist, kdy bylo vyjímečně za začátku "Seek & Destroy" a na konci "Creeping Death". Drtivá většina si tento setlist pochvalovala, že je to konečně změna, že Metallica ví, že Evropani tuto změnu potřebovali. Turné pokračovalo zastávkou v kanadském Halifaxu a Quebecku, kde měla Metallica již obvyklý setlist. Posléze následoval poněkud komorní koncert v Moscone Centre v San Francisku, na "párty" Kirkova souseda. Následoval koncert v Yankee Stadium v New Yorku s Big Four a potom koncert na notoricky známém festivalu Rock in Rio v Riu de Janeiru. 31.10. vyšlo po celém světě kontroverzní album Lulu, což je spojení Lou Reeda a Metalliky. Toto album má spoustu odpůrců, kteří nejsou schopni příjmout fakt, že to není Metallica a Lou Reed, ale Lou Reed s kapelou, která mu dělá, jednoduše řečeno, doprovodnou kapelu. Měsíc po Riu Metallica poprvé navštívila Spojené Arabské Emiráty a Indii, kde odehráli dohromady 2 koncerty z původních 3. Jelikož na koncertě v Dillí na F1 Rocks došlo k výtržnostem fanoušků z důvodu odložení koncertu pořadatelem. Avšak následující den Metallica koncertovala v indickém Bangalore a tam vše proběhlo tak, jak má. Po SAE a Indii následovaly poslední, avšak velmi významné koncerty v San Francisku k oslavě 30. letého výročí od vzniku Metalliky. Na těchto koncertech zazněly premiéry skladeb, bylo zde hodně zajímavých hostů a jedna velká zvláštnost - celé se to odehrálo v klubu pro necelé 2 tisíce lidí.

Pod tímto odkazem je ještě malá statistika, shrnutí minulého roku.

Tímto krátkým článkem jsem se pokusil shrnout jeden celý rok, ačkoli by se to dalo popsat i na "trochu" více stránek. Tímto bych Vám chtěl popřát všechno nejlepší do nového roku 2012 a pořádně oslavte Silvestra!

Lou Reed & Metallica: Pumping Blood, Iced Honey, Frustration, Dragon (Texty)

09.10.2011 13:40

Metallica s Lou Reedem, zveřejnili tento týden texty dalších čtyřech písní z nového alba "Lulu".





If I pump out blood in the sunshine
Oil on the wheel
That is blasted and busted away

A nail or a little piece of glass
A little piece of glass
A little piece of glass
Swarming like bees over the air
Off the pump off the thing
The blood that I’m pumping away

Like bees over the air
Off the pump
Off the thing
The blood that I’m pumping away

Off the pump
Off the thing
The blood that I’m pumping away

If I pump blood in the sunshine
And you wear a leather box with azaleas
And I pump more blood
And it seeps through my skin
Will you adore the river
The stream, the trickle
The tributary of my heart

As I pump more blood
And it seeps through my skin

Will you adore the river
The stream, the trickle
The tributary of my heart

If I’m pumping blood
Like a common state worker
If I waggle my ass like a dark prostitute
Would you think less of me

And my coagulating heart

Waggle my ass like a dark prostitute
Coagulating heart
Pumping blood

Would you top me off
Would you top me off as I deepen a curtsy
While you yell out, “mercy”
We grow apart
Would you rip and cut me

Use a knife on me

Be shocked at the boldness
The coldness of this little heart
Tied up in leather
Would you take the measure
Of the blood that I pump
In the manic confusion of love

Supreme violation
Supreme violation
“Oh, ah, ah, ah Jack I beseech you”

“Oh Jack I beseech you”
Supreme violation

Blood in the foyer
The bathroom
The tea room
The kitchen, with her knives splayed

I will swallow your sharpest cutter
Like a colored man’s dick

Blood spurting from me
“Oh Jack, Jack I beseech…”
“Jack, I beseech you, I beseech…”
In the end it was an ordinary heart

“Oh Jack I beseech you”
As I scream out my pain
In the end it was an ordinary heart

In the end, in the end, in the end
It was an ordinary heart

“Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack I beseech you”
Supreme violation . . . Oh

“Jack, Jack, Jack I beseech you”
I call out your name

Blood in the foyer, the bathroom,
The tea room, the kitchen
And knives splayed
I swallow your sharpest cutter
Like a colored man’s dick
Blood spurting from me
Blood spurting from me

“Oh Jack”

“Oh Jack, I beseech ya”
In the end it was an ordinary heart

In the end it was an ordinary heart
Pumping blood

You can’t put a butterfly in a jar
If the effort’s too high no matter who you are
You can’t catch the moon, or the sun or the stars
It doesn’t matter who you are
Iced honey

Now me I’ve tried a million tricks
To make life cold and make it stick
Not running heat that flames then out
But the proud piece of ice that always floats
Iced honey

If I can’t trap a butterfly or a bee
If I can’t keep my heart where I want it to be
If no matter how much soul and heart
I put to the wood
If a flaming heart is not that good
Iced honey

If you can’t put a butterfly in a jar
If violence mars your final hour
If you make others feel like jam
Poured on a piece of charbroiled lamb

If it’s all mixed up and you cannot shout
And your oxygen starts to run out
If your final gasp has the recipe wrong
And instead of hello you say so long

If your energy starts to leak out
And people wonder what you’re all about
A heartbreaker with an unattached heart
The story of love gives them all a start

And me, I’ve always been this way
Not by choice, just this way
I can’t put my honey pot in a jar
Or a heart or a fist of some young boy

If you can’t put a butterfly in a jar
No wonder no need to wonder where you are
It might seem like hell, the River Styx
Your affection never sticks

No matter what you say, no matter what you do
A butterfly heart flies right past you
There’s nothing to say, nothing to do
See if the ice will melt for you
Iced honey

In my lexicon of hate
I see you with your portraiture
Does he love you?
Does he love you too?

The brush strokes
Kiss your breasts and toes
I cry icicles in my stein
The heartbeats flutter
With an abnormal rhythm

The pain shoots through my body
A sword between my thighs
I wish that I could kill you
But I too love your eyes

You’re feeling less whore but you stimulate
The hatred smolders in your eyes
I’d drop to my knees in a second
To salivate in your thighs

But all I do is fall over
I don’t have the strength I once had
In you and your prickless lover
And his easel in his eyes

I feel the pain creep up my leg
Blood runs from my nose
I puke my guts out at your feet
You’re more man than I
To be dead to have no feeling
To be dry and spermless like a girl

I want so much to hurt you
I want so much to hurt you
I want so much to hurt you
Marry me
I want you as my wife

Spermless like a girl
More man than I
More man than I

In my lexicon of hate
You’re feeling less like a whore but you

All I do is fall over
I don’t have the strength I once had
All I do is fall over
I don’t have the strength I once had

I want you so much to hurt you
I want so much to hurt you
I want so much to hurt you
I want you as a wife

Frustration is my lexicon of hate
Frustration is my lexicon of hate
Fru… fru… frustration, my lexicon of hate

I cry icicles
Heartbeats flutter
Abnormal rhythm

I wish that I could kill you
But I too love your eyes
I want you as my wife
I want you as my wife
Spermless like a girl

Lucky in feeling
More man than I
Marry me, marry me, marry me
I want you as a wife
Spermless like a girl
Puking my guts at your feet
More man than I
Fru… fru… fru… frustration

You don’t actually care
Love for you is no beginning
You’re not really there

I thought you were listening
I thought you were listening

I understand you think you’re above it
The adolescent sense of the sky
The feeling of billowing heartbeats
The fingertips run through your hair

They run through your hair

Oh you think you’re so special
That there’s no law meant for you
You come and go like the goddess you are
We’re mere mortals below
Fingertips run through your hair
We are mere mortals below

Are meant to be peons
Are meant to be servants
Are meant to be dismissible objects
One fucks with
One fucks with

Poor pitiful creature

The winner in heartbreak
The winner in caring
The winner in every miniscule method of wearing
Your heart on your sleeve
A red star of idiocy

An idiot’s idiocy
My, my caring for you
Caring for you
Do you think we’re a book
Some kind of a table
You can rest your feet on when you’re able

Red star of idiocy
An idiot’s idiocy
My caring for you
Poor pitiful creature

To notice the pining
The self deprivation
The self flagellation of you
Dear worshippers

We do like you regal
We do like you haughty
We do love to look upon your perfect body

The hair on your shoulders
The smell of your armpit
The taste of your vulva and everything on it
We all really love you
And you have no meaning
You don’t even see us
You were never caring

You go do what you do
You do it for you
No one exists with you
You’re way above caring
Leave a trail upon the wake
That no one ever tries to take
Because waiting for you
Thinking of you
Is another way of dying
Is another way of dying

I’m clawing your chest
‘Til your collarbone bleeds
Piercing your nipples ‘til I bite them off
I scratch your face and bite your shoulders
Way above caring
Way above caring
And your Kotex jukebox
Your Kotex jukebox

I’m doomed, I’m swearing
Waiting for you
In your high heels and nightie

Your leather dress squeaking
Latex now sweating, waiting for you
In your tincture
Your opium white bathrobe
Your white tiles run red now
Are we both dead now?

The liquid exchange of our heart
The liquid exchange of our heart
Are we both dead now?

You’re way above caring
Your heart on your sleeve
A red star of idiocy
An idiot’s idiocy
My caring
My caring for you
My caring for you
You’re way beyond caring
Your heart on your sleeve
A red star of idiocy
An idiot’s idiocy

My caring for you
Oblivious to caring
Oblivious to caring
Oblivious to caring
Leave a trail upon the wake
That no one ever tries to take
Because waiting for you
Because thinking of you
Is another way of dying

You’re way above caring
Oblivious to caring
Oblivious to caring
You poor pitiful creature
The mistake of feeling
The one who rejects you is the winner,
It’s true
The winner in heartbreak
The winner in caring
The winner in every miniscule method of wearing
Your heart on your sleeve
A red star of idiocy

An idiot’s idiocy
Your heart on your fuckin’ sleeve
My caring for you
We were meant to be peons
We’re meant to be peons
Mere mortals below
Meant to be servants

Meant to be dismissible objects one fucks with
Oh, oh, oh you’re so special
No law meant for you
You come and go like the goddess you are

The fingertips run through your hair
A billowing heart beats
What a glorious feeling
To be so rejected
So rejected

An idiot’s idiocy
My caring for you
You think I’m a book or a table
You can rest your fuckin’ feet on
When you’re able

The taste of your vulva, everything on it
The hair on your shoulders
The smell of your armpit
We do love you, to look upon your perfect body
We love you regal
We love you haughty
Oblivious to caring
Oblivious to caring

Oh my dear
Oh my dear
Oh my dear
Oblivious to caring

Are we really dead now?
Are we both dead now?


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